Hey wait! What was your reaction when you read the title first? Did you laugh? Or you went to a deeper thought? Well the today's topic is so. Have you ever thought about it? So let's try to put it on "Don't animals have self-respect?"
Did you see a small rat in your home, yeah they can be bigger too but did you notice how badly we try to get rid of them, they try to come close to us while we are eating, sitting and even sleeping but we scold them again & again. So, do they get hurt? Do they feel like they won't come to you again because you insulted them? Actually What makes the difference of self-respect in human & animals, is that being successful, able to earn his or her life. I think no, a child can also have self-respect then why not animals.
If it is about feeling so you can observe that when you feed an animal with love and care, it seems like they are accepting our feelings for them & they are enjoying too but on the other place if you disrespect that animal, they do not care about it. Wow! how amazing God have made them or may be to us that we don't understand those creatures who cannot give explanations. If in reality human intelligence is advanced then he should able to understand every minor thought of these animals.
Just chill! I am not creating a serious discussion here but I am just amazed & thoughtful as well that how animals like dog also never feel bad of scolding even it's not their fault as they are bound to ask for food. Animals have no options like to buy a packet of maggy and cook it for them when they are hungry even they don't know their real hunger. Whatever they get, they just eat without thinking that it would be sufficient Or insufficient Or more than sufficient...
Have you thought that what animals do when they don't get food at night. I am scare of the situation that they even cannot borrow food like us and from whom they will borrow. But whatever it is, one thing is sure that animals knows what is love and care, they feel it and sometimes they also express it wordlessly.
These is what I had to say just spread peace and love among human, animals and nature as well. Hope you liked my thoughts on " Don't animals have self-respect? " Comment your thoughts below and also share it to whom you care for.